Sensing the Vibration of Peace

All words carry a vibration that can stimulate your energy field and expand your conscious intention. How can you amplify that vibration you may ask?  Sound is the answer.  Every day you are bombarded with sounds that are carrying a particular vibration to your energy field.  Most of these sounds are harsh, chaotic and habitual.  Although you are accustomed to these sounds, the consequence of this familiarity results in moving you out of energetic alignment and balance.  However, by taking the time to reflect on a high vibration word with a pleasing sound in the background can shift your energy in wonderous ways. You become your own energetic healer paving the way for the peace you seek. Now more than ever this is the time to work with the vibration of these words that seem common place but carry this energetic punch. Reflect on the following words with intention along with soothing music or natural sounds of nature in the background. Allow relaxing sound to amplify your light and accelerate your energetic balance. Even the simple call of a bird when sitting in nature can support the vibration of pondering these words.  Reach out to the sounds and words that help you feel whole, balanced and supported.  And in doing so, you claim the vibration of peace you need.

Calm:  Allow the vibration of this word to settle you into your dimensional light, letting go of physicality.

Solace:  Wrap this vibration around you like a comforting blanket of light for rest and rejuvenation.

Tranquility: Flow and move with your vibration of light as it transforms your energy field.

Peace:  Anchor the vibration of your light for balance and stability. 

Janice Mahloch

During this time of ascension and rapid evolution, Jan is offering the channeled guidance from many multi-dimensional light guides. Through the use of channeled energy, she is able to provide the concepts, messages and wisdom from universal intelligence. She has undergone the necessary vibration changes to enable her to bring forth their energy with integrity and trust. Jan’s many years of delivering practical guidance and meditative imagery from the angelic realm has also prepared her for these changing times. Her channeled readings are insightful, positive and provide the necessary guidance on how to follow one’s ascension path for greater light. Jan’s soothing voice and channeled guided meditations are designed to connect the dimensional self with the human experience. Her enthusiasm and passion for helping others is apparent in her interactions with her clients. As a retired registered nurse, she has had extensive experience in developing health education programs for many cultures and age groups. Jan believes that humanity is now ready for a paradigm shift in self-healing and wellness.


The Multi-Dimensional Human


Applying Your Light