The Multi-Dimensional Human

Wisdom From Thaddeus | Channeled by Jan Mahloch

The Multi-Dimensional Human

Humanity is on a fast train to their next evolutionary stop called the new earth.  If you are reading or listening to these words, you have already jumped on board feeling the acceleration and pull of what lies ahead. This train is full of others like you who are aware of their multi-dimensional light expressed through a human container. The more you activate this light, the faster the train moves away from old beliefs and limiting constructs of the collective.  The multi-dimensional human is born by activating your intention to be the light that you are. Every intentional breath you take awakens the light within.  In the past, you have had many human forms but each form carried that spark of light that is your true origin.  As this spark grows into its dimensionality, it ignites the search for creating a reality built on unity consciousness.  Unity consciousness is the keystone of the new earth.

This is an important time to be alive in human form while experiencing your dimensional light.  Your dimensional light is coming out of hibernation and expressing itself in wonderous ways.  From a cosmic standpoint, you are particles of light that have come together with particular elements in form and function.  You may have always known yourself in this way as a quantum ever-expanding culmination of light.  However, you have also known yourself as a human form with conscious awareness of mental, emotional and physical needs.  The richness and complexity of all these parts of yourself combine together to form the multi-dimensional human. But, how do I begin to perceive this multi-dimensional human you may ask?  The answer is to use the symbol of a triangle for reference.  Imagine if you will, a triangle with glowing, pulsating light all around it.  Now focus on the base of this triangle of light. One corner is your human self and on the other corner is your consciousness. Now imagine the apex of this triangle as your multi-dimensional light.  You are the culmination of a symbolic triangle consisting of your physical body, your conscious awareness and your multi-dimensional light. The living light that you are moves and flows through you, connecting all parts of your triangle.  And now that you have successfully stabilized your base of conscious physicality, your multi-dimensional light can come forth.  The multi-dimensional light has always been a part of you but now it will be supported by a new earth vibration that will awaken it fully.  This awareness of yourself as a triad of energy will lead you to create from a place of light never before experienced on planet earth. These light-filled creations become a world of unity consciousness with infinite possibilities for all.

The Multi-dimensional Human Exercise

The remembrance of who you are as a multi-dimensional human comes from playing with your light-filled energy.  It is through playful musing and intention that your light is revealed to you. Try this playful light-filled exercise to once again introduce yourself to the wholeness of you and the potential that lies within.

Close your eyes and take a deep slow breath in. Breathe in the light of a new day. On the exhale, breathe out the light. Breathe in light and breathe out light 3 times. Now, imagine looking into a mirror and seeing a brilliant ball of light.  This ball of light begins to glow and pulsate with creative energy.  This creative energy flows and takes form.  This is your multi-dimensional light and your infinite potential. Now place your hand on your solar plexus. Call this multi-dimensional light to your physical body by stating “I am a multi-dimensional human with infinite potential.” Breathe in more light connecting to any physical sensations or joyful emotions. Become aware of the physical connection to your light by sensing the solar plexus area of your body. Rest here as long as you like. Then, take one final breath as you command that your activation of the multi-dimensional human is complete. Affirm 3 times: “I am the light and wholeness I seek.”



Janice Mahloch

During this time of ascension and rapid evolution, Jan is offering the channeled guidance from many multi-dimensional light guides. Through the use of channeled energy, she is able to provide the concepts, messages and wisdom from universal intelligence. She has undergone the necessary vibration changes to enable her to bring forth their energy with integrity and trust. Jan’s many years of delivering practical guidance and meditative imagery from the angelic realm has also prepared her for these changing times. Her channeled readings are insightful, positive and provide the necessary guidance on how to follow one’s ascension path for greater light. Jan’s soothing voice and channeled guided meditations are designed to connect the dimensional self with the human experience. Her enthusiasm and passion for helping others is apparent in her interactions with her clients. As a retired registered nurse, she has had extensive experience in developing health education programs for many cultures and age groups. Jan believes that humanity is now ready for a paradigm shift in self-healing and wellness.


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