Water, I AM

Water, I Am ~ Part Two~ by Katlin Friedman     

~I am aware of the consciousness of water.~

There are multiple ways to communicate with water. Start by recognizing that, as a consciousness, water responds to our presence, to our thoughts and to our intentions.

·        Go to a body of water. Find a spot close to the water and settle in. With a hand on your solar plexus, breathe in energy and light, breathe out energy and light. Do this three times or until you sense your energy and light are reaching out to the water.

Extend your other hand toward the water and breathe in the reciprocal energy and light from the water, breathe out your energy and light to the water. Repeat three times or until you are aware of the connection and communication between you and the water. Remember, your keen awareness of the consciousness of water is the key to experiencing union with water, within the oneness of unity consciousness. Enjoy your own experience with the consciousness of water. Be playful and expect interaction.  After a while, return to awareness of your physical self, beside the water. What messages or insights did you share with water?

·        Sitting comfortably at home follow the same procedure as above, vividly imagining details using all your senses.

I notice the consciousness of water and express gratitude for every daily experience with the consciousness of water.

Pay close attention to the countless times you and water connect today. Each time is an opportunity to personally experience the consciousness of water. What, for example, does your awareness of this consciousness bring to the simple act of hand washing? Make note of your experiences today.

My Experiences:

·        Pouring fresh water into my pet’s bowl I say, “Thank you for all you give my animals.”

·        I write, “Wholeness and Health” on my water bottle and give thanks every time I drink from it.

·        I send my delight to the water consciousness as bird wings flutter in my bird bath.

·        I reverently step into the hot tub, immersing myself, in conscious communion with water.

·        I welcome the scent of recent rain with recognition and gratitude.

·        Bringing my awareness to the consciousness of water within my body, I encourage healing water to cleanse and enliven all my cells, systems and organs. I feel a subtle flow in response.

·        In union with water’s consciousness I imbue broths and vegetables with my energy and light when cooking.

·        Catching a snow flake on my tongue, I welcome its unique and exquisite design in

communion with my own.

My awareness of the consciousness of water enriches my daily life within the oneness of unity consciousness.

 Water, I Am


·        The Seas and her creatures respond to our light.

·        I take action to assist the water and its creatures.

·        I send my intention, energy and light to earth’s waters and her creatures.

·        I am aware of the consciousness of water.

·        I notice the consciousness of water and express gratitude for every daily experience with the consciousness of water.

·        My awareness of the consciousness of water enriches my daily life within the oneness of unity consciousness.







Katlin Friedman

As a child Katlin practiced intuitive massage with family members, always aware of and in tune with the energy at hand and the power of intention.

She has studied and practiced many modalities, grateful for the gifted teachers she met along the way.

As an Usui Reiki Master Katlin practiced at St. Charles Cancer Center’s Integrated Therapies Department for over five years.

Her pursuit of healing with light and energy expanded into the use of sound vibration to assess, adjust and restore energetic balance and flow for her clients. Katlin is now a Light Activation Practitioner for the Trio of Light at The Studio at Blissful Heart Wellness Center

Katlin has a special love for animals and through her Guardian Pet Care business provides treatments for her pet clients, offering relief from pain and anxiety. Katlin, her husband Lester, cat Maddie and dog Angel live and love in Bend, Oregon. Katlin is a founding owner of Trio of Light at Blissful Heart Wellness in Bend.


Separateness vs. Unity


Water, I AM