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Wisdom From Thaddeus | Channeled by Jan Mahloch

What is your reality? What purposeful actions are you taking at this time?  Now is the time to become aware of how your everyday actions are aligned with the light you seek.  In order to be in harmony and balance with the light that you are, you must look closely at these actions. Awareness is key!  Are you running your life on a set of default settings?  If so, invite the light in with the intention that it changes your reality to closely match your spiritual purpose.  You are a creator and the light you carry matters.  True energetic fulfillment and progressive evolution comes from this light.  Your energetic light has the potential to be magnified and actualized on the earth plane.  Your light is the never-ending fuel to feed your creative abilities and realize your reality through your physicality.  Pay attention to the energetic side of you that wants to be acknowledged and utilized into creative matter. Try this simple exercise:  Purposely, use your light energy every day for 30 days. Send light to a person/animal, send light to a place in your body that needs healing, send light to releasing a mental belief, send light to a stuck emotion or send light to a place on earth. Wherever you chose to send your light energy, know that this can result in more purposeful actions that are better aligned with your spiritual purpose. Break the cycle of running a default mode by everyday interaction with the light that you are.  There is a constant, brilliant light in your reality and it happens to be you!


Janice Mahloch

During this time of ascension and rapid evolution, Jan is offering the channeled guidance from many multi-dimensional light guides. Through the use of channeled energy, she is able to provide the concepts, messages and wisdom from universal intelligence. She has undergone the necessary vibration changes to enable her to bring forth their energy with integrity and trust. Jan’s many years of delivering practical guidance and meditative imagery from the angelic realm has also prepared her for these changing times. Her channeled readings are insightful, positive and provide the necessary guidance on how to follow one’s ascension path for greater light. Jan’s soothing voice and channeled guided meditations are designed to connect the dimensional self with the human experience. Her enthusiasm and passion for helping others is apparent in her interactions with her clients. As a retired registered nurse, she has had extensive experience in developing health education programs for many cultures and age groups. Jan believes that humanity is now ready for a paradigm shift in self-healing and wellness.


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